The statistics of older people falling and not recovering are too high and very scary. Every 11 minutes an elderly person falls and requires hospital care.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one in five falls causes a serious injury such as a broken bone or head injury. Sometimes it leads to the end of life.
Can we prevent it from happening to ourselves? What must we do, be immobile?
According to the National Institue on health, precise body movements can significantly cut the risk of falls among older people and may be beneficial ... older people taking part in a 15-week Tai Chi program reduced their risk of falling by 47.5 percent.
I intend to find a local Tai Chi group. I also highly recommend Gentle Yoga for balance and flexibility.
20-minute, calming yoga practices are easy enough that almost anyone can do them,
to follow
it--if it isn't for you, return to Amazon for a refund.
Other factors in falling are prescription medicines and alcohol. Two things you can do:
Check with your Dr. or Pharmacist about side effects of meds.
Limit alcohol and never drink alone. Years ago the older father of a friend died while alone sitting at a bar she had given him a few years before. I read the actor William Holden died falling out of bed after an evening of drinking. He hit his head sharply on a night table.
Researching for viable and verifiable facts for this Blog, I was overwhelmed with what I learned. I knew Vitamins played a huge role in our healthy aging and now I know about vitamins and bone health.
Our bones require more than Calcium and Vitamin D to be strong and support our bodies.
The next Blog Post will include tips to make your home fall-proof.
Such important information for those of us n our senior years - especially since most of us are pretty active and busy -- and we still have to be extremely careful and not hurry but take our time.